Thursday, May 13, 2010

Who knew?

Who knew the end of the school year was actually 100 times more draining then the beginning?Or else I am just forgetting how busy I was getting ready for my new job.
I really don't want to call one more parent because their kid isn't getting along with another kid and got hit with a basketball in the face and wants me to look at video tape to confirm it.
Or follow up on one more bus incident
Or think about what I should read this summer to further my knowledge

I can feel my empathy draining and my desire to please and solve evaporate as the end of the tunnel is in sight and visions of fishing, camping, the pool, and the desire to do nothing but cook really good meals-more than once a month, and spending quality time with the boys sets in. To finish as strongly as a I started and model to the teachers that the end of the year isn't about celebrating that we are almost done and good riddance, but that it is almost over and I can't wait to do all those new things I learned this year and implement them next year. Hitting the wall is easy but getting over it is the hard part. That my friends is my next step, getting over this wall.

By the way we can do orchestra AND study skills wahhooooooo

Also a summer highlight-Big Fry's first concert-just me and him for U2 and Lenny Kravitz in Dever Can.not.wait!!


carey said...

oh, cher. i can't wait for your summer :) it will be good for you to get a little break, and you can read those self-improving books by the pool, right?

i will find a good time to come to rapid this summer and we can all get together.

when is the concert? tell big fry he is lucky you still aren't in your edie brickell stage :)

bobbione8y said...

seriously, u2 and lenny for the first concert? that kid is LUCKY ;))))

i am more than just a little jealous.

with you on getting thru to the other side, and maintaining a positive attitude while getting there :)

cherk said...

Carey-I would love if you made it out here, we could have outdoor boy adventures together. Oh my gosh if I took him to Edie Brickell I would probably scar him for life:)

cherk said...

Bobbi-yes he is lucky-it was really selfish on my part. Hubby couldn't go and I REALLY wanted to go-Lenny Kravitz sealed the deal, so big fry was a logical tag along

Chris said...

I know when there is that light at the end of the tunnel, and you can see it, it can seem that much farther away. You have more than earned this break! Hope it gets here faster for you.

Karen said...

THAT is a concert I'd really like to see! TM loveslovesloves Lenny. He once sang a Fly Away at a karaoke bar in Germany. :-)


You'll make it, Cher. You know what is important, and I know you'll do your best to model it for the teachers.