Wednesday, May 26, 2010

So many stories, so little time

7 days, say it with me 7 days, at least until students are gone. I have so many stories I would love to blog about, like the following:

Pee wee baseball and this thing called pitcher development league that is going to break my heart or at least small fry's
Small fry's friend who told him he was going to the underworld with the devil
Big Fry's attempts to practice baseball with small fry, which quickly fizzle-but I find him over at the neighbors house practicing with small fry's coach-this is a long deep story
Hubby's summer hours which are going to be horrendous and leave us no time together on the weekends
Celebrating Suree's 39th birthday-partying like it was 1999-and worrying about it after
My dishes I finally got put away from the dishwasher-that have been sitting in there clean since Monday and the dirty ones OUT of the sink.
The 300,000 budget I have to do an allocation for and list how we will spend every penny next year-the one area of my job that scares me to death-and was not an interview question posed last year at this time. Hmmm if they saw who took care of money at my house they might have.
I would love to write about many of these things, but do not have the energy or time because I am so FREAKIN (Oh yeah and whatever publisher who thinks that word isn't effective for just about any reader is just silly) tired and scattered.
Scattered, that is the word, add an adjective-frenetically scattered.
By the way I am still harboring deep resentment about Bono and his back


Karen said...

Freakin' A! You have a lot on your plate, lady. I wish I could send you the Wonder Hub for a budgeting allocation tutorial. That's his new job...only his budget is in the BILLIONS. He could whip yours out in no time.

Um, I hate to put any more stress on you, but could you pick just one story from that list and tell us? I'm dyin' over here.

cherk said...

Do you have a preference:)

Karen said...

Yes! A practicing with Q's coach.

I wouldn't mind hearing about Suree's party, but that can wait.

carey said...

I want to hear about baseball, because I have a feeling we have the same story going on.