Saturday, May 1, 2010

orchestra or study skills

Have a meeting at the middle school in a couple of weeks and we are at a crossroads. Study skills class or orchestra for big fry. Orchestra gives him the group of friends and social connections he needs and something he is actually good at for not practicing (9th chair out of 25 kids) which my musician savy friends tell me is awesome. But the fine motor and less than stellar organizational skils have us worried that getting wayyyy behind on work is going to be an ongoing issue. Like pooh would say, "think, think, think, think"


Karen said...

Do you want my vote, or are you just venting?

cherk said...

No not venting, just thinking aloud and feedback is always good.

Karen said...

I guess I'm wondering if someone outside of school couldn't help with study and organizational skills. It sounds like orchestra is really important to him..

cherk said...

You are so awesome. i know which way my heart is leaning... I need to sometimes GIVE him the chance of rising to the occasion instead of imagining it always being a battle.

carey said...

i would totally go for the orchestra, too. big j can't organize his way out of a hat and you know what? i don't think he's going to "learn" it. it's who he is. some of us just don't do organization or fine motor skills and guess what happens? nothing. except for some really good laughs and the ability to con other people into slicing vegetables.

again. i think we have the same kids. i am POSITIVE of it.

so yeah. tell him to rock that violin.

bobbione8y said...

you guys are funny. i say this at 1:40pm on a monday afternoon, when i have goofed around and done nothing productive YET....!! sigh. maybe tomorrow, because my brain kinds shuts off around 2:30pm.

so yeah. orchestra sounds good ;)

Karen said...

"Big J can't organize his way out of a hat" might be my favorite sentence EVER.

Chris said...

Well, you know the research on what music does for kids.