Monday, April 13, 2009


The closet artist in me has struck with a little inspiration. WHEN the basment is finished it will be my turn to DECORATE. Being the planner that I am I already have the big room pictured in my head, andhe exercise room is easy-not alot to do there. The other room I wasn't sure what it would be. Then watching the boys practice the instruments gave me an idea. I took and will take some more pictures once Quinn starts piano of their hands. I love little kid's hands and feet especially in b/w. I plan to blow them up and put them in some cool frames for the room and make it a music room. The idea has come together, and now I need to get hubby to kick it into gear.


Karen said...

I LOVE that idea! Do you mind if I borrow just a little tiny bit of it one day?? I've been wanting to do a black and white family pic collage on the red wall in the dining room. Kids playing instruments would be a great addition, but I would have never thought of it myself!

carey said...

Awesome idea! there is nothing better than cool black and whites. i love these shots. i'm thinking the closet music lover in you should take up the guitar, cher. seriously. my sister-in-law taught herself how to play the banjo last year and she can totally rock that thing. then you could play edie and bob and tom all day long :)

bobbione8y said...

love it!
you are such a dang good photog, cher. it must be fun to capture these great pics of your own family.

i want to see this room!! it sounds awesome! my phillip bought an old saxophone, just to polish up and hang on the wall. musical instruments are just coooooo.

bobbione8y said...

cool. you know what i meant ;)

Chris said...

Those are really good pics Cher! Great idea. I am learning th guitar right now, it is fun most of the time. Can't wait to get good at it. You all could start a family band!:)

cherk said...

Karen-of course you can, I was thinking some really close up shorts during some sports things-like the dirty muddy calves after a long cross country meet or hands on lacrosse stick-you get the idea.
Carey-Alec at this time is teaching me viola page by page, my fear of reading notes is the same as you and algebraic equations.
Bobbie- I would love for you to see it to, but wait until it is finished:)
Chris-How is your guitar going?