Sunday, December 14, 2008

Done and with only a few casualties


with only a few casualties of homework:

Hours spent-10:00-4:00

3 Christmas cookies eaten

1 frappacino

Quick lunch break

Snarly remarks at the children-too many to count

And now on the way to 1 long hot soak in the tub, my lower limbs are killing me from sitting, and sore from boot camp after two weeks of absenteeism!


Karen said...

Hip hip hooray!!!

I'm so sad I'm not coming home, would SO love to hang out with you on your break.

Only one frappaccino???

bobbione8y said...

way to go cher!

i will take a long calgon bath tonite in your honor. or maybe just because it's 27 below :)

cherk said...

Karen-I am so sad you are not coming home either, we could do lots of hanging out in my kitchen drinking wine and enjoying converstation.

Bobbi-Enjoy your bath-I actually feel weird-like I am forgetting to do something!