Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Summer is moving quickly

Summer is moving quickly. I have been working on being spontaneous, flexible, and in the NOW of summer. Like going to a lake an hour away AFTER lunch, not taking tons of pictures, I have not done one summer to-do job I planned, and even taking a nap. I have been working out like a fiend and eating good with no results-which has been disappointing but a good friend of mine set me straight in that area.
On another note I was able to witness the "Sue" gene Karen frequently mentions that she has. You know this freakish (and good) way she has of meeting these fascinating strangers-they are seriously drawn to her because she is such a good listener and asks questions-so I practiced right then and there. We met a couple last night, one who I had very unique connections to. She was this artsy-very artsy-free spirit-the kind I wanted to be at one time and never had the guts to truly do. She has a child with autism and makes beautiful jewelery. Which as we were getting ready to leave, she takes a piece off and says "You take this, it goes with what you are wearing. It just looks like you". Not one to take gifts and ready to decline, I did and can't wait to wear it. It is truly a funky out there piece-a little out there for my conservative self now, but somewhow it makes me feel good. Thanks Karen-never would have happened if you weren't here!


carey said...

wow! sounds like a cool evening, and what a neat thing to do. will you keep in touch with her?

Karen said...

I need to tell my version of this story!

cherk said...

Karen-you so do, I know your version will be so much better than mine.
Carey-I am sure I will see her at the new gallery she is putting together, I buy jewelry there from time to time.