Friday, January 22, 2010

Owl watching

When I came home at dusk a couple of weeks ago and pulled into the garage there was this big "thing" on the eave of our house. I mean big. I get out and see that it is an owl. I rush in to tell Big Fry and he frantically comes out with his binocolars. We have seen him one other time fly off of our house so I offered to take him on an owl watching hunt. We get bundled up and trudge out through the bug field binoculars and camera in hand. We sit on a log and wait, enjoying the sunset and silence. No luck so we head back, where I glimpse a really big thing on the neighbors house. We secretly sit in her back yard and spy on it until if flys away. Big fry turns to me and says, "Wasnt that the most awesome, beautiful thing...I hate to say it mom but I almost felt like a tear want to come it was just so....I can't explain it"

Another lesson if we take the time to stop, observe, and enjoy. You are right big fry sometimes the most awesome things just can't be explained and shouldn't have to be.


Unknown said...

That was an awesome beautiful mommy moment with your son. Thanks for sharing. So much to learn from our kids, isn't there?

Karen said...

SO cool. I love his heart, Cher-bear. I love that he can sit still and wait for beauty like that, and then see it for the miracle it is. Pretty amazing.

carey said...

man, i will say it again. i wish we lived next door. big j and A would love watching nature together! this is a great story. owls are cool!

cherk said...

Carey-I so totally agree, we could let them loose in the bug field and probably not see them for days!
Rani-there is always something to learn-if we just sit and listen:)
Karen-now if we would just sit still for other things:)