Monday, October 24, 2011


Here is the story of spinner or masher-it is short. Bobbi was the closest. I was explaining to hubby that my biking partner made reference to that once I get used to my bike I will change gears more efficiently (I must not have been), and that "you use a really high gear". Hubby said well you must be a "masher". A what? He explains there are two types of riders spinners and mashers, those who spin fast and do LOTS of rotations are spinners. Then there are those who like to do less rotations but still go fast with harder pedaling.
Yep that was it, I am officially a masher.
By the way 20 miles Friday night, and a great reason to order some WARM clothes from Athleta.


carey said...

oh good! i am a masher too!

i honestly thought you were talking about some kind of fishing bait. ha.

Karen said...

I had no earthly idea where you were headed with that!

I don't know what I am..

cherk said...

ha ha, I immediately thought of Pioneer Woman and mashed potatoes!

bobbione8y said...

ha!!! i am a spinner, which is probably why i kind of hate bicyling.

i also look funny when i am on a 2-wheeled thingey :)