Friday, October 25, 2013

Yes I am here!

I had a mild panic attack when I couldn't get into my blogger account. I had to text my two bestest blogger friends and tell them just in case they were checking on me I am sure they are. Just as I do for them:)

I don't really have anything specific, exciting, exhausting, frustrating, or super wonderful to talk about. Which is a good thing I guess, but also doesn't lead to deep blogger posts. I do have to say that work so far is wonderful. I don't talk about work here, with good reason and professionalism, but I would have to say that in retrospect, I did not know how awful last year was until this new year started. I can't even imagine now how I made it with my sanity.

Big Fry and Small Fry are moving along with their big transitions to high school and middle school. Big Fry doesn't love high school but seeing a smile on his face when he comes home is enough, as we had none of that last year...another blog for later. Small Fry survived cross country, or should I say I survived it. All I could think about was please don't be at the back part of the pack, he was. And then how Carey and I did cross country for fun, or some weird reason and remembering it being just as hard as it looked for these kiddos.

We are sad summer is over as we didn't really have a fall...and that being my favorite season and all. But we did get a few pics that I forced everyone into, since no one was very cooperative. I know I shared on Facebook, but I always like to share with some people who matter the most...

 Surprisingly Big Fry was happy to oblige with pics....

 Small Fry only after I threatened death by boredom

 They were totally hamming it up for me after I almost threw a toddler-like tantrum, even fake, it made me happy
 A boy and his dog, that was not fake, and it made me even happier

 "Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." A favorite quote...
 I was a little perturbed a the silliness, but looking at the pic later, really, would I expect him to be any other way?
And finally one of the two of them together, not the "money shot" I like but what can I say, tween and teen

1 comment:

bobbione8y said...

aw, so glad I came back to 'check' today.

glad the year is going well. the pics of the boys make me happy, i missed them on FB so i'm glad you posted.

it's so odd to see the years go by on these blogs of ours. i agree about nothing deep to say, but i do really miss even the miniscule stuff. i hope to post soon. there has to be a story in me somewhere :)