Sunday, May 16, 2010


Here is the running up date so far. I am cruising along, up to a little over 3 miles-minscule walking-if on the treadmill, and a little more when outside in the elements. That treadmill is deceiving! I am pretty proud and ready to move on to the 4-putting aside the back arthritis that flares up EVERY time I run. I then receive an email with the updated relay distances. We find out that the 3 four mile sections have become a 2.5, 3.8 and 6, yeah the 6 jumps out at you doesn't it? It did me anyway. So now 3 of us have to somehow decide who is going to take the leap and do the 6 mile. Man, I know which one I want. I suggested ultimate fighting style, with winner picking-I haven't had any takers yet.


carey said...

you can do it, whatever distance they choose for you. trust me. when the event comes around, the adrenaline and the fun of the whole thing carry you right through.

and there is nothing at all wrong with little walk breaks.

so proud of you :)

Karen said...

I ran a 10K on my birthday in Vegas. 6 miles is a long way, Cher, but you are a total stud and I KNOW you can do it.

I'm sorry, but I hope it's you. I know you'll rock.