Monday, May 17, 2010

Here's the plan

I guess the thought of running the last leg (2.5) in front of a crowd of people is something my team mates would rather not do and would prefer to run the 6 mile. I have thus been nominated as the final and shortest leg which my partners very excitedly said "see you can be our strong finisher-you can even sprint!" This perplexes me,I am thinking A)the gal who volunteered is more of a matyr than I am, B)She is more competitive than I am or C) They are afraid of me passing out and none of us finishing!

On another note how does an 11 year old go from blushing and talking about how the lovely Elizabeth in his class ruffles his hair (every day) and asked him to sit by her at lunch. To which he said no thank you because they were already scrunched-and he later admitted he was to nervous to say yes-we gotta work on those risk taking skills. To a meltdown about division, and going to bed early, AND not getting much outside time, AND how the days until the year is over are SO LONG. I need to keep reminding myself these life changing events (such as the last year of elementary school) may seem far in my distant mind is so far the biggest stressor in his up to this time. Or we can just chalk it up to hormones *sigh*


carey said...

visions of cross-country are going through my head. wish i could be there to see you full-out sprinting the end, just like the good ol' days.

as for the pre-teenage hormones, just keep telling me what's coming so i can prepare. (alcohol for me, padded room for them?)

cherk said...

Ha ha I think of the same thing, that always was my game plan-just hang out because I knew I could pass at the end. I think that is my hang up with distance running, I really like sprinting-especially intervals. Definitely alcohol for you-but sometimes I do need a padded room for myself just to keep my dang mouth shut!

Karen said...

It bothers you that someone is more of a martyr than you?

That made me laugh out loud. :-)