Thursday, September 18, 2008

Falling Down

Anyone ever see the movie with Michael Douglas where he just gets out of his car and starts walking along the freeway aimlessly? That is how I have felt since the start of school for numerous reasons. BUT it will be okay. To save time I am responding to many of you in one post. Sorry-until things settle down there is no individual attention for anyone, read the list-you will know who you are:)
On the Bright Side
Coffee shop-Do it-revel in the scariness, dreaming and the new and unchartered path-regret is way worse
Fall-Yes I love the fall to-if it would get here. Sitting in a 90 degree classroom is not fun
Bouncing-Whatever you do-don't mess with the nose
I am actually making a dinner tonight that didn't come from a can, box, drive through or leftover container (this HAS been the norm since school started)
My professor cut out at least HALF the course work-lots of complaining on my classmates part.

On the dark side- I was a little peeved though, most of my classmates DIDN'T do anything for class last weekend so we did it IN class AFTER I had worked to the bone every night until 10 or so after work, ignoring everyone in my house to get it done.
Orthodontist-yeah get your kid to be one! Can we all say "payment plan"
I am catching a cold or something-uggggggg

Alright if you have just finished my scattered, incohesive ADHD like post-you are good friend!


carey said...

can people in grad school really blow off assignments like that? that sucks, especially coming from people in the education field.

i have some happy words for you:

christmas vacation is LOOONG this year. :)

Karen said...

Cher-bear--I am so thankful for your lazy days of summer. Can you imagine doing this year-round?

Chris said...

I have been wondering where you have been in blog land, now I know! Who knew all you had to do is whine to your Professor and you could get away without doing homework. That is slick! I know I have said this before, but hang in there, Christmas is coming!!